Thursday, January 29, 2015

Northern Lights

Found this blog loved the pictures from it. Sadly the photo's are sited as unknown. I also liked that the author had some facts about the subjects she presented in the unknown photos.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Time Slice Photography

I was messing around looking through an art blog I found on Tumblr and found a photo of time slice photography. I thought it was really cool and googled some pictures just to see some different takes on it. I ended up finding this short little text with photo's talking about how this photographer creates "dimensions" by changing the shape of how the photo is sliced.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Barn Owls

Owls have always been one of my many fascinations with the animal world. My favorite being the barn owl. I've only seen a handful of barn owls in Colorado and know only the consistent company of the great horned owl that lives on my property. I found this photo while in search for something to share with the class. It reminded me of the children's book series Guardians of Ga'hoole that captured my young imagination. This owl reminded me of the main character Soren who returns to find his nest abandon after he had been snatched as an owlet. Any who this picture was taken by Mike Jones. The image was taken using a Canon 7D with a 500mm f4 lens. Taken on “Aperture priority” the aperture was f8 with a shutter speed of 1/320s and a ISO setting of 400 . He has some very interesting photography and can be checked out here.
This photo can be found here

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Summer Zoo Trip

Just my summer trip to the zoo with a commandeered camera. I really love the photo of the African Wild dogs and the contrast of the bright sun light to the shadow that they were laying in. I love the similar effect of lights and shadows on the picture with the ducks.